Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is provided from 12pm-1pm for classes that dismiss at Noon.
Lunch Bunch is open to children in our twos classes and up who are potty trained. Parents should check with their child's teacher prior to signing up for Lunch Bunch to be sure their child is ready to stay the extra hour.
Parents may sign up for Lunch Bunch online (see below), via the sign up sheet in the Preschool Office, or by calling the Preschool Office. Children must be signed up prior to 9:30am on the day they will attend. Lunch Bunch is limited to 24 children per day.
If you would like your child to stay for Lunch Bunch every day they are at school, you may sign up for "Permanent Lunch Bunch". Contact the Preschool Office about this option.
Children will eat lunch outside from 12:05 to 12:30 followed by free play on the playground from 12:35 to 1:00.
The cost for Lunch Bunch is $10 per child per day. We ask that you pay Lunch Bunch fees on a monthly basis and include them with your tuition payment. If paying by check, please write your child’s name and indicate “Lunch Bunch” or “LB” on the memo line of your ensure proper crediting.
Each child should bring a lunch and a drink in labeled containers when staying for Lunch Bunch. Bento box style containers are preferred.​​