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Outdoor play, water fun, messy art, music, and all things preschoolers love!


*More Information Coming Soon*


  • Each session of camp will run 9am to 12:30pm for four daysThe fee for each session is $185 per child.


  • All camp sessions are open to 3- through 5-year-olds who are potty trained. To be eligible for camp, your child must turn three by June 1, 2025 or have been in a 2-year-old class at Epworth Preschool during the current school year. 


  • Each child will need to bring a snack, swimsuit, towel, and change of clothes each day. If additional items are needed, parents will be notified by the individual camp teachers.


  • Priority registration for Summer Camp will be offered to currently enrolled Epworth Preschool families and those registered for the 2025-26 school year. If any spots remain, we will open up registration to additional families on May 1st.

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